Sanctions Working Group

UKACC's Sanctions Working Group works to ensure the new UK anti-corruption sanctions mechanism is used actively, with the cooperation, coordination and support of the UKACC's member NGOs, and results in a number of strategic sanctions designations to limit opportunities for kleptocrats to launder their wealth in the UK financial system. 

UKACC is able to leverage our close links with relevant NGO and government officials all over the world to disseminate information on the usefulness of sanctions and to foster an active community of NGOs working on corruption sanctions.

Our methods of achieving this include:

  • Consultations and discussions with anti-corruption and legal experts to identify a range of strategic potential cases; and

  • Training and mentoring for civil society on sanctions submissions.

For assistance in developing evidence-based submissions, please consult our template for NGO submissions under the UK Global Anti-Corruption Sanctions Regulations 2021, our factsheet and FAQs.

  • If you would like support in developing a submission or to receive training on the UK’s anti-corruption sanctions regime, please contact

UKACC’s work on sanctions takes place as part of our broader global anti-corruption work, which seeks to tackle the UK’s oversized role in facilitating corruption around the world and promote high standards of anti-corruption measures at the global level.